Agronew Trading Co., Ltd. deals in agricultural seeds since 1955.
Importer and exporter of various kinds of seed since 1988.
Breeding and producing vegetable and papaya varieties.
Golden Flesh, with hard rind. It can withstand long distance transportation and has a good shelf life. It is 12 Brix and weighs 4.5-6 kg. Medium size.
Sowing to harvest: 40-50 DaysAdapted temperature: 20-32°CPod size: 10-12cm longEarly and high yield,Pods are tender and soft even if matured.
Maturing: 80-95 days. Very big ears with 14-16 pretty rows. Filled to the tip, big yellow kernels, 19-20 cm long, weight: 300-400 g. Very sweet and good flavor and high yield. Tolerate to NCLB, cob rot, wallaby ear and mosaic virus . Suitable for fresh market and processing. Very good variety for tropic & subtropical . SH2, super sweet, sugar 14-16 brix and tight husk cover.
Council of Agriculture Copyright 2018